The Standard on the Braes o' Mar

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Lesley Nelson

The Braes of Mar is an 18th century Scots tune. It is in Bremner's Reels, (circa 1758). The words are a later addition, appearing in Hogg's Jacobite Relics (1821).

The tune commemorates the raising of the Stewart standard by John Erskine, 6th Earl of Mar at Braemar on 6 September 1715. However, the words refer to Bonnie Prince Charlie, who led the uprising of 1745.

In September 1715, The Earl of Mar, raised the standard for James Francis Edward Stewart, the Old Pretender. After his defeat at the Battle of Sherrifmuir he fled to France where he later betrayed many of his former compatriots. He became known as "Bobbing John."

The standard on the braes o' Mar
Is up and streaming rarely,
The gath'ring pipe on Lochnagar
Is sounding loud and sairly,
The Hieland men, frae hill and glen,
Wi' belted plaids and glitterin blades,
Wi' bonnets blue, and hearts sae true,
Are comin' late and early

Our prince has made a noble vow,
To free his country fairly,
Then wha would be a traitor now,
To ane we lo'e sae dearly,
We'll go, we'll go and seek the foe,
By land or sea, wheree'er they be,
Then man to man, and in the van,
We'll win or die for Charlie.

I saw our chief come o'er the hill,
Wi' Drummond and Glengarry,
And through the pass came brave Lochiel,
Panmure and gallant Murray.
Macdonald's men, Clanronald's men,
McKenzie's men, McGilvray's men,
Strathallan's men, the lowland men,
O' Callander and Airley.


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Information from a Digital Tradition Forum thread