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Note that the music pages with an asterix have a control panel to play, loop, or downloade the music as you read the page. Right click on the ellipsis for a menu of the options.
Music pages wtihout an asterix will have a link to open the music in a separate window. You may play, loop, or download the music from that page.
These are arranged in APPROXIMATE/BEST GUESS date order based on information avaialbe when the tune was added to the page. If you have a correction, please let me know. Also, be advised that for the early ballads, the century may not be the date the tune AND words were known. The date I have used is for the original ballad or air to which the song can be linked. The tunes and words here are modern variants of the originals.
For those particularly interested in Jacobite Songs see The Contemplator's Short History of the Jacobite Uprisings. A list of songs is at the bottom of the page). Most of the well-known Jacobite songs were written after the uprisings, so although they are all on this page, they are not listed together.
Broadsides and folksongs of the 17th Century
Please note these words and tunes are not authentic to the time period. These are later variants of the broadsides.