She Must Be Mine
(Pe Cawn I Hon)
Music File
Lesley Nelson

This is an old Welsh air. The English translation is by Walter Maynard. It appears in Songs of Wales (1879). If she were mine, and lov'd me well.
Life would be naught but pleasure,
I would not care for sacks of gold,
Nor other earthly treasure.
Her winning ways, her laughing eyes,
Throw such a charm about her,
She must be mine, yes, mine alone,
I cannot live without her.

If she were mine, my aim would be,
To make her love me dearly,
That all her heart, and all her thoughts,
Belonged to me sincerely;
But should I find, to my dismay,
I had good cause to doubt her,
Then were she mine, yet loved me not,
I'd rather be without her.

From The Songs of Wales
The Royal Edition
See Bibliography for full information.