The Gallant Weaver
Music File
Lesley Nelson

Robert Burns wrote these lyrics to the tune The Weaver's March. He wrote another tune about weavers To the Weavers Gin Ye Go. And keeping with the Weavers theme (though not by Burns) there is The Calton Weaver.

For a full list of Burns tunes at this site, enter Robert Burns in the search engine.

Where Cart rins row in tae the sea,
By mony a flow'r and shading tree,
There lives a lad, the lad for me,
He is a gallant weaver.
Oh I had wooers ought of nine,
The gui'ed me rings and ribbons fine,
But I was fear'd my heard wad tine,
And I gie'd it tae the weaver.

My daddie sign'd my tocher band,
To gi'e the lad that has the land,
But tae my heart I'll add my hand,
And gi'e it to the weaver.
While birds rejoince in leavy bow'rs,
While bees delight in opening flow'rs,
While corn grows green in simmer show'rs,
I'll lo'e my gallant weaver.
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Lyrics from
The New Scottish Song Book
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