The Irish Exile
Music File
Lesley Nelson

This tune is listed as an old melody in Songs of Ireland (1879). Oh! where has the exile his home?
Oh! where has the exile his home?
Where the mountain is steep,
Where the valley is deep,
Where the waves of the Ohio foam;
Where no cheering smile,
His woes may beguile,
Oh! there has the exile his home.

Oh! when will the exile return?
Oh! when will the exile return?
When our hearts heave no sigh,
When our tears shall be dry,
When Erin no longer shall mourn;
When his name we disown,
When his mem'ry is gone,
Oh! then will the exile return.
Related Links
From Songs of Ireland
J. L. Hatton and J. L. Molloy
See Bibliography for full information.